Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Computer fraud, although he is alleged to have bought

Counsel to decide whether the Court placed on file within 7 days

- "ASUS astronomical claims," Tracking

Yesterday, 14:15, Zhou Chengyu, and Huang Ching-Ping into the Haidian court attorney filing chamber to examine the indictment and to check the evidence, the court left, including 14 civil complaint, including evidence. Zhang Ping, the filing said the Court placed on file within 7 days whether to make a reply.

"Today all the information is complete." Placed on file for a smooth, Zhou Chengyu learned the day before yesterday in a petition in the Court forgot the lesson. Press room through the glass to see placed on file, filing court judge on the table covered with a variety of evidence arranged one by one filling.

15:20, Zhang Ping, Zhou Chengyu, and placed on file out of the room. According to evidence the receipt shown Haidian Court, the Court ultimately left 14 evidence, including notebook computers photos, inspection reports. There are books in which the decision not to prosecute, criminal damages and other 5 were from a written decision on the prosecution file, Haidian. Zhang Ping, the court will decide within 7 days if placed on file.

Zhou Chengyu, a man claiming to be "old friend", refers to several weeks of deception

- Progress

(Reporter Zhang Tailing) the day before yesterday, a man claiming to Zhang Zhou Chengyu and ASUS TV debate in the scene, adding that although he had helped Zhou Chengyu replacement of computer hardware, last night he showed reporters a photo of him and Zhou Chengyu. In this connection, Zhou Chengyu, said he could not confirm the other identity, group photo also tells us little.

Huang Jing Zhang had bought the computer from my hands

Last night, although he said Mr. Chang introduced to replace computer hardware, he met Zhou Chengyu in 2002 and joined the company weeks, and weeks become a "friend." But he soon discovered Zhou Chengyu purchase laptop computers and cell phones, and then return to the practice of replacing hardware.

Zhang said the case involved 2004 Zhou Chengyu be processed result in the company to disband. August 2005, Zhou Chengyu again in Zhongguancun. Year in October, a woman came to Mr. Zhang was offered "one hundred million cool digital", bought a used IBM laptop, demands the return of the next day, Mr. Chang examination revealed computer hardware have all been replaced.

"It's too much like the way the Zhou Chengyu." Mr. Zhang said he had asked the young woman had any Zhou Chengyu, but it is very flustered deny each other. Since then, other compensation by the Bureau and led him to be their shops closed.

Mr. Zhang said he now is definitely a woman, although he bought the computer, and to conclude that relations between the two sides for couples. "Now thinner than before, but I never made a mistake." Zhang said, although he can not prove he's CPU is the change Zhou Chengyu, his purpose is to expose the truth Zhou Chengyu deception. Now he has found a number of computers sold to the Zhou Chengyu cheated victims.

Zhou Chengyu I will hold each other defamation

For Mr. Zhang's statement last night, Zhou Chengyu, said that only recognize the other photo. At the same time, although he had his confirmation in purchasing this ASUS laptop before, she only bought one in Shijiazhuang Lenovo laptop, after accidentally broke the screen. In addition, no purchase of any laptop.

Zhou Chengyu, said there is no evidence for a number of accusations, but will pursue the other defamation.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Interview with Eastman Kodak Asia Pacific Director of Human Resources is pleased to Ms.

Eastman Kodak Company by inventor George - Eastman was founded in 1880, is headquartered in Rochester, NY. Kodak is the "information image" industry, major players, the main business areas of medical imaging, commercial printing and business imaging, displays and components as well as digital and film imaging systems.

1927 Kodak Company in Shanghai office. Aversion beef, Kodak to invest in China more than eleven billion dollars, has established a perfect production base and sales network in Xiamen, set up the Asia Pacific's largest film and paper production base, as well as the world's largest disposable camera production base; Kodak in China established the world's largest digital camera production base in Shanghai to establish Asia-Pacific Product Development Center and the world's second world-class medical imaging research and development centers and regional technical service centers.

Kodak's global workforce of about seven million people.鐩墠锛屾煰杈惧叕鍙哥殑浜氬お鎬婚儴浣嶄簬涓婃捣锛屽湪涓浗璁剧珛浜嗙害30瀹跺姙浜嬪锛屾嫢鏈?000鍚嶅憳宸ャ?




銆??娆g劧锛?amp;quot;灏婇噸涓汉"鏄煰杈惧寰呭憳宸ワ紝瀵瑰緟鍚屼簨鐨勫噯鍒欍?鎴戜滑鐨勯珮灞傝亴浣嶄篃鏈夌洿鎺ヤ粠澶栭儴鑱樼敤鐨勶紝浣嗘槸鎴戜滑鏇寸湅涓唴閮ㄥ憳宸ヤ紭绉?殑宸ヤ綔琛ㄧ幇锛屾垜浠俊浠绘垜浠殑鍛樺伐銆傛垜浠殑纭噸瑙嗗憳宸ョ殑宸ヤ綔缁撴灉锛屼絾鎴戜滑涔熼噸瑙嗗憳宸ュ伐浣滅殑杩囩▼锛屼篃閲嶈濡備綍缁欎簣鍛樺伐鑹ソ鐨勶紝鍏钩鐨勫寰咃紝鎴戜滑闈炲父閲嶈鍦ㄨ繖涓繃绋嬩腑淇濇寔鎴戜滑鐨勬枃鍖栦笌浠峰?瑙傘?姣忎釜鍏徃閮戒細缁忓巻椤哄埄鐨勬椂鏈熷拰鍥伴毦鐨勬椂鏈燂紝浣嗘垜浠笉浼氬洜姝ゆ敼鍙樿嚜宸辩殑浠峰?瑙傘?鏌揪鐨勬祦鍔ㄧ巼涓?洿姣旇緝浣庯紝寰堝鍛樺伐鏄洜涓哄枩娆㈣繖閲岀殑浼佷笟鏂囧寲鑰岀暀涓嬫潵锛屼粬浠涓轰粬浠彈鍒颁簡鍏钩鐨勫寰呫?鍗充娇鏄偅浜涙墦绠楃鑱岃?锛屾垜浼氬拰浠栦滑浜ゆ祦锛屾妸鑷繁鐨勭粡鍘嗕笌浠栦滑鍒嗕韩锛屾垜甯屾湜鑳界暀涓嬮偅浜涙渶鍚堥?鏌揪鐨勪紭绉?汉鎵嶃?鍦ㄧ編鍥斤紝鏇炬湁涓?綅鏌揪涓珮灞傜粡鐞嗚烦妲藉幓浜嗗叏鐞冪煡鍚嶇殑鍜ㄨ鍏徃褰撳壇涓诲腑锛屽悗鏉ユ垜鍜屽ス璇达紝濡傛灉浣犳兂鍥炴潵鏌揪锛屽氨鍛婅瘔鎴戙?缁撴灉濂圭湡鐨勫洖鏉ヤ簡銆傚湪鏌揪宸ヤ綔寰堥暱鏃堕棿锛屼綘浼氬彂鐜帮紝鏈夐珮棰濈殑鏀跺叆鍥虹劧濂斤紝浣嗗苟涓嶆槸鏈?噸瑕佺殑銆?br />銆??璁帮細鎮ㄦ槸鍚︾煡閬撴煰杈惧憳宸ョ寮?叕鍙稿悗鐨勫幓鍚戯紵

銆??娆g劧锛氫簨瀹炰笂鏌揪鐨勭鑱岀巼涓嶉珮銆備妇渚嬫潵璇达紝涓嶄箙鍓嶆垜浠竴浣嶅叕鍏抽儴闂ㄧ殑鍛樺伐鍑轰簬瀛愬コ鏁欒偛鐨勮?铏戠Щ姘戞柊瑗垮叞銆傚ス闈炲父浼樼锛屾墍浠ユ垜浠篃甯屾湜鑳藉畨鎺掑ス鍔犲叆鏂拌タ鍏扮殑鏌揪鍏徃锛屼笉杩囧緢鍙儨閭i噷鏆傛椂娌℃湁閫傚悎濂圭殑鑱屼綅銆傜敱姝ゅ彲瑙侊紝鎴戜滑棣栧厛甯屾湜鐨勬槸鑳界暀浣忛偅浜涗紭绉?殑鍛樺伐銆?br />銆??璁帮細鏌揪鏄浣曞皢鍛樺伐鐨勫伐浣滆繃绋嬩笌宸ヤ綔缁撴灉鏈夋満缁撳悎璧锋潵锛?br />
銆??璁帮細鍦ㄥ憳宸ュ疄鐜拌鍒掔洰鏍囪繃绋嬩腑鎵?壍娑夊埌鐨勫悇绉嶅煿璁柟寮忎腑锛屽摢涓?鏁堟灉鏄渶濂界殑锛?br />
銆??娆g劧锛氭垜涓嶈涓哄幓蹇典竴涓浣嶆垨鑰呬笂鍩硅璇剧殑鍩硅鏁堟灉鏈?ソ锛屾垜瑙夊緱鏈?ソ鐨勫煿璁柟寮忔槸鍦ㄨ亴鍩硅锛屼互鍙婇?杩囦笌浜烘墦浜ら亾鏉ュ涔犮?鎴戜滑缁欎簣鍛樺伐鐨勫甯堝拰鏁欑粌閮芥槸鏉ヨ嚜鏌揪鐨勯珮灞傞瀵艰?銆備篃灏辨槸璇达紝濡傛灉浣犳槸涓?綅鏌揪鐨勯瀵艰?锛岄偅浣犱篃涓?畾鏄憳宸ョ殑瀵煎笀浜嗐?褰撶劧锛屽浜庨偅浜涙湁娼滃姏涔熸湁蹇楁垚涓烘湭鏉ョ鐞嗚?鐨勫憳宸ワ紝鎴戜滑浼氶紦鍔变粬浠繘琛屽矖浣嶈疆鎹紝鍒板悇涓儴闂ㄥ伐浣滐紝鐔熸倝鏁翠釜鍏徃鐨勮繍浣滃拰涓氬姟锛屼篃绉疮鍚勬柟闈㈢殑缁忛獙銆?br />銆??璁帮細瑕佽兘鍚埌鍛樺伐涓汉鐨勬剰瑙侊紝閭e娍蹇呴渶瑕侀潪甯搁?鐣呯殑娌熼?锛岃繖骞哄ぇ鐨勮法鍥藉叕鍙革紝瑕佸仛鍒版矡閫氭棤闃伙紝鏄惁鎰忓懗鐫?汉鍛樼粨鏋勭殑鎵佸钩鍖栵紵



銆??娆g劧锛氳繖涓鍧涘湪鍏ㄧ悆鍚勫湴鐨勬煰杈惧叕鍙搁兘鏈夛紝浣嗕笉鍗曠函鍙湁濂虫?鍛樺伐鍑嗗叆锛屽湪涓婃捣锛岃繖涓鍧涚殑涓诲腑鏇剧粡涓?害鐢变竴浣嶇敺鎬ф媴浠汇?HR閮ㄩ棬鍙槸涓?釜鍜屽叾瀹冮儴闂ㄤ竴鏍峰钩绛夌殑鍙備笌鑰呫?骞舵病鏈塇R鐨勭洿鎺ユ斂绛栨潵婧愪簬杩欎釜璁哄潧銆備絾杩欎釜璁哄潧璁╂垜浠湅鍒板憳宸ヤ滑鐨勬剰瑙侊紝姣斿璁哄潧涓婅璁哄埌濂虫?鍛樺伐鐨勮亴涓氬彂灞曪紝涔熷寘鎷ス浠湪鏌揪鐨勮亴涓氬彂灞曡鍒掓墽琛岀殑蹇冨緱锛岀湅娉曠瓑绛夈?鍓嶄竴娈垫煰杈剧殑涓?綅鍛樺伐鎷垮埌浜嗕竴涓叏鐞冨コ鎬у憳宸ュ锛岃繖鏄緢榧撹垶浜哄績鐨勬秷鎭紝鎴戜滑鍦ㄦ煰杈惧悇鍥藉悇鍦扮殑杩欎釜璁哄潧閲岄兘瀹d紶寮?潵銆?br />

銆??娆g劧锛氭煰杈惧拰鍏跺畠鍛樺伐鍦ㄥコ鎬у憳宸ユ瘮渚嬩笂鍙兘鏄湁涓?偣涓嶅悓锛岃繖涓昏鏄叕鍙告敞閲嶅鍏冨寲鐨勫憳宸ラ槦浼嶃?浣嗘垜浠笉浼氬亣璁捐鍝簺宀椾綅灏遍?鍚堢敺鎬ц?涓嶉?鍚堝コ鎬с?姣斿鎴戜滑涓?綅鍘烪R閮ㄩ棬鐨勫憳宸ヨ锛屽ス瀵规搷浣滅被宸ヤ綔鏇存劅鍏磋叮锛岄偅灏辫濂硅浆杩囧幓锛屽コ鎬т篃鍙互鏄紭绉?殑宸ョ▼甯堛?鏈?噸瑕佺殑鏄綘鑷繁娓呮浣犲笇鏈涜蛋浠?购鏍风殑鑱屼笟閬撹矾锛屼綘鎯冲仛浠?购銆傛煰杈剧粰浣犱竴涓疄鐜扮悊鎯崇殑绌洪棿銆?br />銆??璁帮細鏌揪鍏徃鏃犺鏄湪浼犵粺鐨勮兌鐗囪涓氭垨鐜板湪鐨勬暟鐮侀鍩燂紝濮嬬粓鏄競鍦虹殑棰嗗厛鑰咃紝杩欐槸鍚︽剰鍛崇潃鏌揪鐨勫憳宸ュ缁堝湪杈冨己鐨勫帇鍔涗笅宸ヤ綔锛熷浣曞鍛樺伐杩涜鍘嬪姏绠$悊锛?br />
銆??娆g劧锛氭煰杈剧殑"鍗敓鍋ュ悍閮ㄩ棬"浼氬強鏃跺叧娉ㄥ憳宸ヨ韩浣撳拰蹇冪悊涓婄殑鍋ュ悍鐘跺喌銆備絾璇村埌宸ヤ綔鍘嬪姏锛岀幇鍦ㄥ叏鐞冪珵浜夊崄鍒嗘縺鐑堬紝浠讳綍宸ヤ綔閮戒細鏈夊帇鍔涖?鍦ㄦ煰杈撅紝濡傛灉涓?綅鍛樺伐瑙夊緱鐜板湪宸ヤ綔閲忓お澶э紝鎴栬?鍜屽浜哄湪涓?捣鏃堕棿澶皯浠栧笇鏈涗紤鍋囦竴娈垫椂闂达紝浠栧彲浠ュ悜浠栫殑涓荤鎴栬?鐩存帴鍜屾垜璇达紝涔熷彲浠ュ拰鍗敓鍋ュ悍閮ㄩ棬璇淬?鎴戜滑灏藉姏璁╁憳宸ユ劅瑙夊埌宸ヤ綔鐨勫钩琛℃?銆傛瘮濡傦紝鏌揪鍏ㄧ悆鐨勯珮灞傞渶瑕佸彫寮?數璇濅細璁紝杩欏氨閬囧埌鏃跺樊闂锛屾煰杈剧殑鍋氭硶灏辨槸閫夋嫨澶у閮借兘鎺ュ彈鐨勪竴涓椂闂达紝姣斿杩欒竟鏄倣鏅氾紝閭h竟鏄棭涓婏紝杩欐牱璁╁ぇ瀹堕兘瑙夊緱閫傚悎銆?br />銆??鍙﹀锛屾湁鏃跺憳宸ュ浣曟劅鍙楀帇鍔涳紝涓庝粬浠?鏉跨殑绠$悊椋庢牸鏈夊叧銆傛垜浠ュ墠鍦ㄦ暟鐮侀儴闂ㄥ伐浣滄椂锛岄潪甯歌緵鑻︼紝缁忓父鍔犵彮锛岄」鐩殑鍘嬪姏涔熷緢澶э紝浣嗘垜鐨勮?鏉匡紝涓?綅浼樼鐨勪腑鍥戒汉锛屽氨缁忓父鍜屾垜浠绗戣瘽锛屽嵆浣垮湪鏈?弗鑲冪殑浼氳涓婏紝涔熷彲浠ヨ姘旀皼寰堟剦蹇紝寰堟湁瓒o紝璁╁ぇ瀹跺緢鏀炬澗銆?br />銆??璁帮細HR閮ㄩ棬涓庡叕鍙告垬鐣ヤ箣闂寸殑鏄粈骞哄叧绯伙紵

銆??娆g劧锛氭煰杈惧叕鍙镐粠寤虹珛鑷充粖锛屼紒涓氫环鍊艰濮嬬粓娌℃湁澶ぇ鐨勫彉鍖栥?HR閮ㄩ棬棣栧厛灏辨槸瑕佸皢杩欐牱鐨勬枃鍖栨帹琛屼笅鍘伙紝璁╂垜浠殑宸ヤ綔鍥㈤槦閮芥湁杩欐牱鐨勪俊鏉★紝璁╂垜浠殑涓氬姟閮ㄩ棬鍦ㄥ伐浣滀腑濮嬬粓閬靛畧杩欐牱鐨勬爣鍑嗭紝璁╂垜浠殑鍛樺伐閮藉彈鍒拌壇濂界殑瀵瑰緟鍜屽皧閲嶃?姣斿鍦?0澶氬勾鍓嶏紝鏌揪鏇剧粡鍙戠幇鎴戜滑鐨勬煇鎵逛骇鍝佸瓨鍦ㄤ竴浜涢棶棰橈紝褰撴椂鎴戜滑涓嶆儨閿?瘉杩欎簺浜у搧锛岃鍏徃鎵挎媴鎵?湁缁忔祹涓婄殑椋庨櫓锛屼篃涓嶆効鎹熷瀹㈡埛瀵规煰杈剧殑淇′换銆傛垜浠瀹㈡埛鍜屽鍛樺伐閮芥槸涓?牱鐨勫繝璇氬拰璇氬疄锛岃繖鏄潪甯搁毦寰楃殑銆備絾鎵?湁鍏徃鐨勯暱杩滅洰鏍囷紝閮介渶瑕侀?杩囦汉鍛樻潵瀹炵幇锛屽洜姝わ紝灏婇噸鍜岃壇濂藉湴瀵瑰緟鍛樺伐锛屾槸浜哄姏璧勬簮閮ㄩ棬寰堥噸瑕佺殑涓?儴鍒嗗伐浣溿?灏卞湪鍓嶄竴娈垫椂闂达紝鎴戜滑鍗敓鍋ュ悍閮ㄩ棬鐨勪富绠℃潵鍜屾垜璇达紝鎴戜滑鍘﹂棬鍏徃鐨?浣嶇煭鏈熷悎鍚屽伐閬亣浜嗚溅绁歌繘浜嗗尰闄紝鎴戜滑寰堝笇鏈涜兘涓诲姩鍦板幓甯粬浠仛濂藉尰鐤椾繚闄╋紝鎴栬?灏藉彲鑳界粰浜堝尰鐤楄垂鐢ㄦ柟闈㈢殑甯姪锛岃?涓嶆槸璇达紝鍛樺伐鍑轰簨浜嗭紝鍏徃灏变笌浠栦滑鍒掓竻鐣岄檺銆?br />
銆??璁帮細鎮?0澶氬勾濮嬬粓鍦ㄤ汉鍔涜祫婧愰儴闂ㄥ伐浣滐紝涓轰綍娌℃湁杞埌鍏跺畠閮ㄩ棬锛?br />
銆??娆g劧锛氭垜澶у鐨勪笓涓氭槸宸ヤ笟鍜屽姵鍔ㄥ叧绯伙紝澶у姣曚笟鏃朵篃鎯宠繃瑕佺户缁康娉曞緥瀛︺?鍙槸鍥犱负鍔犲叆浜嗘煰杈撅紝鑰屼笖鍦ㄨ繖閲屽仛HR宸ヤ綔鎴戦潪甯告劅鍏磋叮锛屾墍浠ユ兂鎯宠绂诲紑3骞村幓蹇典功鏈変簺鍙儨锛屼簬鏄究鏀惧純浜嗐?浣嗘槸鏌揪鐜板湪鐨勪簹澶尯鎬昏鍏间富甯煰鎬濇晱濂冲+鍘熸潵涔熸槸HR鍑鸿韩锛屽悗鏉ュス杞埌鍟嗕笟閮ㄩ棬锛岃?涓斿仛寰楀緢鍑鸿壊锛屽氨涓嶅啀鍥濰R閮ㄩ棬浜嗐?鎴戝拰濂规湁涓?釜鍚屾牱鐨勫紑濮嬶紝浣嗗悗鏉ョ殑閫夋嫨鍗翠笉鍚屼簡銆傛墍浠ヨ繖涓棶棰樻垜涓汉瑙夊緱锛屽鏋滀綘鍠滄涓?宸ヤ綔锛屽氨浼氭兂涓?洿鍋氫笅鍘汇?浣曞喌鎴戜滑鏈夊緢澶氬矖浣嶈疆鎹㈢殑鏈轰細鏉ョ‘璁や綘鑷繁鏈?笇鏈涘仛浠?购鏍风殑宸ヤ綔銆傝?HR閮ㄩ棬鍐呴儴涔熸湁寰堝涓嶅悓鐨勫矖浣嶅垎宸ャ?灏卞湪涓嶄箙鍓嶏紝鎴戜滑鐨勪竴浣嶅師鏉ュ仛甯傚満钀ラ攢鐨勫憳宸ユ潵鍜屾垜璇达紝浠栧笇鏈涜兘灏濊瘯鍏跺畠宸ヤ綔锛屽敖绠″師鏉ヤ粬骞舵病鏈塇R缁忛獙锛屼絾鎴戝彂鐜颁粬寰堟湁HR鐨勭礌璐紝姣斿浠栨嫢鏈夐潪甯镐赴瀵岀殑闈㈣瘯缁忛獙锛屽煿璁寚瀵煎憳宸ュ彂灞曠殑缁忛獙锛屽埗瀹氱瓥鐣ョ殑缁忛獙锛屽洜姝ゆ垜寤鸿浠栧姞鍏ヤ簡HR閮ㄩ棬銆?br />銆??璁帮細鎮ㄨ涓鸿鎴愪负涓?綅浼樼鐨凥R锛屾槸鍚﹂渶瑕佷粠鏈?熀灞傞敾鐐艰捣鍛紵

銆??璁帮細鎮ㄨ涓鸿鍍忔偍涓?牱鎴愪负涓?綅鎴愬姛鐨勫浗闄呯粡鐞嗕汉锛屽摢浜涚壒璐ㄥ拰缁忛獙蹇呬笉鍙皯锛?br />
銆??娆g劧锛氶鍏堬紝浣犱竴瀹氳蹇冭兏瀹藉箍銆傛棤璁轰綘鍒板摢閲屽伐浣滐紝濡傛灉浣犵浉淇′汉鏄杽鑹?瀹藉銆佽瘹瀹炵殑锛岄偅骞哄嵆浣夸綘瀵瑰綋鍦版枃鍖栦笉鐢氫簡瑙o紝涔熶細寰楀埌褰撳湴浜虹殑甯姪銆?br />銆??鍏舵锛屼綘鐨勫涔犻?搴﹁蹇?鎴戝嚑骞村墠鑾峰緱浜嗕竴涓狤MBA鐨勫浣嶏紝浣嗘垜瑙夊緱杩欎釜杩囩▼鏈?富瑕佺殑鏀惰幏鏄嫇瀹戒簡鎴戠殑鐪肩晫鍜屾?璺紝璁╂垜鐨勭煡璇嗕篃鏇翠赴瀵岋紝璁╂垜鏇村叿鎬濊?绔嬨?浣嗘垜涓嶈涓轰负浜嗘嫇瀹界溂鐣岋紝闈炶璇籈MBA銆?br />銆??褰撶劧锛岃鍋氭煰杈剧殑楂樺眰缁忕悊浜猴紝浣犺嚦灏戦渶瑕佸湪2涓浗瀹跺伐浣滆繃锛屾劅鍙楄繃涓嶅悓鐨勬皯鏃忓湴鏂规枃鍖栥?鍙﹀锛屽涔犲綋鍦扮殑璇█涔熸尯閲嶈锛屾垜鐜板湪灏卞湪瀛︿範涓枃銆?br />

Cynthia High-Fischmann 娆g劧 濂冲+ 绠?粙
娆g劧濂冲+鏃╁勾姣曚笟浜庣編鍥藉悍濂堝皵澶у鐨勫伐涓氬拰鍔冲姩鍏崇郴瀛﹂櫌锛?999骞?鏈堜綔涓洪珮绾у伐鍟嗙鐞嗙鐞嗙澹瘯涓氫簬缇庡浗缃楀交鏂壒鎶?湳瀛﹂櫌銆傛鐒跺コ澹嚜1981骞磋嚦浠婂缁堟媴浠绘煰杈惧叕鍙哥殑浜哄姏璧勬簮绠$悊鐩稿叧鑱屼綅锛屾浘涓烘煰杈炬暟鐮佸奖鍍忕殑鍏ㄧ悆浜哄姏璧勬簮鍓?瑁侊紝2003骞?2鏈堜綔涓烘煰杈惧叕鍙镐簹澶尯鍓?瑁併?浜哄姏璧勬簮鎬荤洃鏉ュ埌涓婃捣銆?br />


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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

PHS delisting who is in charge

For the love of PHS users, this is definitely not really a good news: China Mobile has revealed that government departments have made it clear that all 1900-1920MHz band wireless access system should be completed before the end of 2011 net clear frequency back to work to assure 1880-1900MHz band TD-SCDMA system to produce harmful interference. 1900-1920MHz is designated for PHS use the original band. It also means that PHS will be back in three years, the total network. According to industry sources, has received a delisting Ministry of Industry and the relevant documents on the PHS, PHS, or people will fade out before the end of 2011 vision.

We know that even if growth in the Chinese mobile communications market, the gradual slowdown, the humble PHS still alarming momentum. Although PHS does not have the phone number of features, but with low radiation, low tariff advantages, it still remains a number of special groups, such as the elderly, medical staff favorite. And the user base is still huge, there are still nearly 70 million users. PHS is a piece of paper 3-year ban requested delisting, to make way for the development of TD, have considered this part of the consumer's opinions?

Will find that as long as the points open, the thread is almost overwhelming opposition. Users and who of course is not necessarily to sing a different tune, everyone is rational economic man, in the comprehensive consideration of their own reality out after the vote against, only that this serious violation of the roots of the relevant rights and interests.

In fact, "PHS ban" is definitely not new-the early opening of this business in 1997 when it was part of the industry has been accused of "illegal business", once a few years ago to slow down the relevant authorities, "a small well-informed "of the seepage rate, against" Little Smart "to enter Beijing, Tianjin and other large cities. Now, with the frequency, citing insufficient resources, the PHS frequency band allocated to TD-SCDMA, can be seen as the ultimate strangulation of the PHS. Subtext behind the ban is simply PHS are low-end products, technical level is too low to meet the modern communication technology, now Tuiweirangxian the.

These high-sounding reasons, tens of millions of users in dismay eyes shone a paper delisting ban, so why not recruit people to be see? In the context of the financial crisis, obviously not everyone has 3G, it can only be forced cancellation of is brutally deprived of part of the population to choose a specific consumer rights, harm social welfare, causing complaints.

Undoubtedly, sophisticated technology is really good, but for consumers, easy to use yet affordable technology is good technology. This technology, are entrepreneurs and consumers in the long process of compromise after the result of ongoing game, but not fly out of office-type documents can ban approved.

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Comment: Who than anyone else how many rogue

Originator of rogue software innovation because of our faces and start to play high-sounding banner of anti-hooligan, but he did not think that's actually not the most rogue software itself, but the process and rogue rogue style.

Union and anti-malware security company website linking to prosecute the case of losing face, January 17, anti-malware Alliance Gold, Jiangmin, Dr Simon, odd tigers, jointly issued a "combat rogue software, maintenance of rights of Internet users "statement, urged the state legislature to speed up the definition of rogue software, the pace of legislation and governance methods. (January 18, "Beijing Daily Messenger")

Perhaps the strength of their own, such as Zhou Hongyi, played in case of defying world opinion against rogue banner, they actually can not think of this fire burned so strong.

Frankly, in the previous period of time, when the anti-rogue so-called "cause" from the company extended to Dong Haiping Qi Hu civil power, and eventually became the China Internet Association's agenda and anti-virus vendor's product development process, including the odd Tiger Zhou Hongyi, chairman of the majority of people, including himself, believe that it would be a rogue software, the "people's war" and will not be a benefit to be about "talk of war."

Unfortunately, all are made after the relevant standards Zhongkoushuojin divergent. Innocent Every day we update with its own blacklist of rogue software, but had to face a lot of day or official or private or corporate, or different names and even different versions of the Forum also conflicting rogue blacklist, in accordance with Gu teachers say, this is called "It's a kind of martial arts master was posing with a crotch" feeling.

One day not long ago, with dozens of colleagues concluded after an interview with Zhou Hongyi rub on the car back to the office, the holding steering wheel of a veteran journalist lamented, Zhou Hongyi this man the greatest ability, is that no one can have things are not so openly speaks so high-sounding righteous.

One day long ago, still have not made a fortune overnight and learn to self-cultivation Zhou Hongyi, response in court allegations of Baidu Robin Li said: Yes, I recognize that 3721 in the deletion of your plug-in, but you too, but you first delete me, I did fight back. So we both are the same, do no good, you can blame me, I also can blame you, but I'll admit I did, I can not stand that not only should you not admit that the practice of accusing me of hypocrisy.

Yes, this can not but say that is a quality. But, as we can trust the people's police gun in the possession of nuclear weapons in anger, like Al Qaeda, so the quality of the high quality of those who will be an advantage, but will act on the ulterior motives are usually transformed into hooliganism. Even more depressing is that such a rogue logic, is because certain people or organizations, some of the perverse interests, the gradually as a habit and even a way of thinking to be used, and evolved into increasingly ugly realities.

Fortunately, has been so far, there is no evidence that Zhou Hongyi in the "security guard 360," this matter there is any "low quality" of the act, although this may not be enough to become the odd tiger in the future "is not evil "sufficient reason.

This does not mean we can all have anti rogue Zhou Hongyi entrusted to be responsible, in this case there is no one worthy of trust in business organizations, especially in the field of Chinese Internet now. We've seen all kinds, in fact, to be continued, but only a game. In this game, "rogue software originator of" innovation because our faces begin to play against rogue grand flag, but he did not think that's actually not the most rogue software itself, but the process and rogue rogue style .

So things like this eventually evolved into today's anti-hooligan hooligans who have experienced resistance to rogue manner, while the anti-gangster who happens to be the same way not so good --- so openly anti-gangster who was the second counter easy invited heavy criticism, as the next start of a war of words.

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Samsung's speed operation

Yun Jong-yong, 62, is admired Napoleon, Napoleon once said: "the ability to do the most difficult decision was, therefore most valuable." Napoleon's life made a lot of important decisions, some decisions that he put Crown, some decisions left him banished to the island of Elba. Yun Jong-yong in the end to Napoleon learned?

The eyes of the outside, Yun manufacturing business legend seems only a commendable management of the story, such as "Sashimi Theory", but Samsung seems to insiders, is the Samsung brand development from the third-leading brands after years of battle was formed of the unique experience. The core of this secret is convinced Hardships Yun, Samsung Electronics To avoid died of happiness, we must maintain a high sense of crisis at the same time, the implementation of "speed management", fast gallop.

Speed operation

Yun Jong-yong has a well-known "Sashimi Theory." The mean, when you catch the first day of high-grade fish, the best Japanese restaurants can be a better price. If you wait until the next day to sell, they can only sell half the price of second-rate restaurants. The third day, you can only sell a quarter of the price, so in the past, have become "dry fish." Therefore, the hot product to market before the first products would become the "raw fish", so as to sell at high prices.

However, many people misread the true meaning of which is only one step ahead of it as another way of saying. In the eyes of Yun Jong-yong, "speed management" is not just one step ahead so simple, but represents a new game. In an acceptance of "Business 2.0" interview, Yun Jong-yong said, "In the digital age, you can infinitely expand product lines", but the key is how the larger size while maintaining agility skill. "In the simulation, knowledge and technology accumulation and diligence only path to victory; in the digital age, the most important innovation and speed."

At the operational level, based on strategy of "speed management" has been refined for the marketing strategy of "four first principle", that is: find opportunities; first to receive technical standards; products first to put the market; and leading position in the global market.


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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Christmas-Idea RM 3GPP2 M4V to DVD

Christmas-Idea RM 3GPP2 M4V to DVD is the best RealMedia converter software. easy convert Real Media files(.rm, .rmvb) to AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VCD, SVCD, DVD files. convert RM/RMVB to AVI DIVX XVID MPEG VCD SVCD DVD and burn to DVD/CD. You can change the codec/system type to PAL or NTSC, and adjust the video size of the output files . It supports to convert almost all video, such as: RM to AVI, RM to DIVX XVID, RM to MPEG-1, RM to MPEG-2, RM to WMV, RM to VCD, RM 3GPP2 M4V to DVD, RM to PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video...

Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to MPEG with all encode format such as VCD PAL/NTSC, SVCD PAL/NTSC, DVD PAL/NTSC, MPEG-1 standard, MPEG-2 standard etc. Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to AVI with all encode format such as DIVX, XVID, Mircosoft MPEG-4 etc.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happiness Apple TV Encode

Happiness Apple TV Encode is a very easy convert your favorite movies from AVI , DIVX, MOV, MPEG, QuickTime, VCD, DVD, WMV, ASF, RM, RMVB to Apple TV. and convert popular audio files including WMA, MP2, OGG, RA, AC3, APE, CDA, etc to Apple TV MP3, AAC. Extremely fast conversion speed and friendly user interface let you convert video files between many formats with ease. The powerful features and unbeatable price make Happiness Apple TV Encode an affordable and powerful video conversion solution on personal computer.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Youtube FLV to Blackberry Gold

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Supports customize or create user's own profile for any new (portable) device. The video conversion supports preview. About Playing Features. Embedded YouTube Video (Offline) Player is available, it supports offline play YouTube video, .flv video and .swf video. Supports "Drag and Drop" video files direct to the main window. Easy to select the source files. Cool UI skin available. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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